Until today, my body shared my mind's enthusiasm for adventure and discovery. But a week has now gone by since I left home, and my body has started to lag behind. Minimal food, erratic sleep and wandering in the heat and sunshine day after day has caused it to protest beyond the scattered sunburns I got from the beach in Amager on Saturday. Small blisters have formed on the outside edges of my feet that not even my fancy Merrel shoes could prevent, and today I began to tire after only four hours of walking instead of my usual six to eight. It's also been demanding more frequent and larger portions of food.
Thus, here I am, back at the hostel by 3 and devouring all the food in my immediate vicinity. Mind and body are now in a heated argument over what we will all get up to tonight. Mind is pushing for a rock concert. Body insists on a quiet night on the patio with a book. I've decided not to get involved.
My hostel, by the way, is a palace next to the one in Copenhagen, and no more expensive (in fact, less so, because I don't have to pay for pillows and linen!)
The back patio |
The view from my window. I feel so European when I lean out of it. |
The bar |
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